Auschwitz concentration camp map

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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Enter Auschwitz Krematorium 1 and take the tour with videos below – the top 3 are the Original Auschwitz Concentration Camp Virtual Tour. On estime que 3,5 millions de Juifs furent tués dans ces six camps, dans le cadre de la Solution finale. Germany annexed this area of Poland in 1939. It was located at the town of Oswiecim near the prewar German-Polish border in Eastern Upper Silesia, an area annexed to Germany in 1939. At the bottom of this page are a complete list of videos if you’d like to jump to a specific part of the Tour. Mauthausen. Evacuation. Mühldorf was a satellite system of the Dachau concentration camp Topographical sketch and report of the Auschwitz concentration camp (catalogue reference FO 371/42806) Transcript The Concentration Camp at Oswiecim/Auschwitz/ Explanations to the attached plan: Towers, sentries with machine guns /12/ 1a. Between 1941 and 1945, the Nazis established five killing centers in German-occupied Poland —Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz-Birkenau (part of the Auschwitz camp complex). As a result of overcrowded and horrific living conditions, where disease and starvation flourished, tens of thousands of people imprisoned there died. From mid-1943, non-Jewish newborns were permitted to live. Camp Commandant's House. The main camp (German: Stammlager) was Auschwitz I. 5. – rooms for internees […] Apr 26, 2023 · The Ravensbrück concentration camp was the largest concentration camp for women within Germany's prewar borders. The escape of the SS and the final victims. The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, founded at the former complex in 1946, serves as a memorial to victims of World War II. 2020 marked the 75th anniversary of the liberation of concentration camps and the end of Nazi tyranny in Europe. At the time of liberation, there were about 7,000 people still in the camp. Dachau became a model for all later concentration camps and served as a training center for SS concentration camp guards. This was one of the largest groupings of female prisoners in the entire concentration camp system. As a minimum, however, at least three-and-a-half hours should be reserved. 027469 N 19. By 1945, between 82 and 92 percent of Greek Jews had been murdered, one of the highest proportions in Europe. It was founded in late September 1944 when about 400 women prisoners were brought from Auschwitz to work in the Schlesische Feinweberei AG textile mill. Between 1941 and 1945, the German Nazis established six extermination camps in German-occupied Polish territory - Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek. Built at the edge of the town of Dachau, about 12 miles (16 km) north of Munich, it became the model and training centre for all other SS -organized camps. After long, brutal marches, more than 10,000 weak and exhausted prisoners from Auschwitz and Gross-Rosen, most of them Jews, arrived in Buchenwald in January 1945. Reception Building/Prisoner Registration The Auschwitz concentration camp complex was a system of concentration camps (German: Konzentrationslager, abbreviated as either KL or KZ) run by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland from 1940 to 1945. IG Farben. googletagmanager. Dachau, the first camp. 2. Tags. Thousands of Jewish children survived, however, many because they were Jan 24, 2020 · Civilians and soldiers recover corpses from the common graves of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in this February 1945 photo. It was established by order of the RSHA in 1941 and, unlike other concentration camps, was not administered by the SS Main Economic and Administrative Office. It is dedicated to the fate and persecution of the various groups deported to the German Nazi concentration . On this map, the Majdanek camp is labeled as a killing center. Nearly 26,000 of these were women, most of them Jews. Auschwitz, where more than Full description. Oświęcim is located in Poland, approximately 40 miles (about 64 km) west of Kraków. It was a ghetto-labor camp. 0 is a set of lesson scenarios and online learning materials prepared in English by the International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust. Weiss Auschwitz, Nazi Germany’s largest concentration camp and extermination camp. News and World Report on April 3, 1995. html?id=GTM-TWTDGH" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe> Mar 16, 2015 · Auschwitz is the German name for the Polish city Oświęcim. After pickup at 6:00 AM, you'll be transferred to Warsaw Central Railway Station. L'écrasante majorité des victimes des camps de mise à mort étaient juives. Some 1. [2] [3] The three Gusen concentration camps in and around the village The years 1939–1942 saw a marked expansion in the concentration camp system. Killing centers (also referred to as "extermination camps" or "death camps") were designed to carry out genocide. Instead, the SS commandant reported to Hans Günther, the director of the Central Office for Jewish A sub-camp founded in March 1944 at the rolling stock repair yard in Gliwice (German: Gleiwitz). Buchenwald was a concentration camp near Weimar, Germany. Germans murder in Auschwitz at least 1,1 million people Theresienstadt was a concentration camp and a transit camp en route to the killing centers in the east. At peak capacity, in September 1942, Theresienstadt held approximately 60,000 prisoners crammed into an area with streets barely over 700 yards long. Archival Killing centers (also referred to as "extermination camps" or "death camps") were designed to carry out genocide. She is one of the few who survived. According to SS reports, there were more than 700,000 prisoners left in the camps in January 1945. Several days after birth, the fact was noted in the Buchenwald ( German pronunciation: [ˈbuːxn̩valt]; literally ' beech forest ') was a Nazi concentration camp established on Ettersberg [ de] hill near Weimar, Germany, in July 1937. The previous spring, the SS had evacuated most of the Majdanek prisoners and camp personnel. The first people to be gassed were a group of Polish 4 days ago · Dachau, the first Nazi concentration camp in Germany, established on March 10, 1933, slightly more than five weeks after Adolf Hitler became chancellor. The Auschwitz concentration camp was located on the outskirts of Oświęcim in German-occupied Poland. From 1933 to 1945, Nazi Germany operated more Auschwitz dejó su marca como uno de los campos más tristemente célebres del Holocausto. 4 days ago · The Nazi German Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940–1945)” in 2007. These camps were established on Auschwitz was the largest camp established by the Germans. The arrest card of Georg Schallermair, (SS-Master-Sergeant) at Mühldorf subcamp from August 1944 until 1945. Main Guard House. In the podcast "On Auschwitz," we discuss the details of the history of the camp as well as our contemporary memory of this important and special Jun 27, 2019 · 1. In the past, many scholars counted the Majdanek camp (located just outside the Theresienstadt served as a transit camp for Czech Jews whom the Germans deported to killing centers, concentration camps, and forced-labor camps in German-occupied Poland, Belorussia, and the Baltic States. Located near the town of Oswiecim in southern Poland, Auschwitz was actually three camps in one: a prison camp, an extermination camp, and a slave-labor camp. Jan 23, 2020 · Auschwitz: Drone footage from Nazi concentration camp But as the war and the Holocaust progressed, the Nazi regime greatly developed the site. The number of prisoners incarcerated in Dachau between 1933 and 1945 exceeded 200,000. People over fifty years of age, pregnant women, and young children were immediately sent to the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau and other killing centers. The Issue of bombing Auschwitz. In late 1943, a mass influx of Jews swelled mans to other concentration camps, where a significant number of them died. A detailed look at archival maps, blueprints and photos of Auschwitz. The evacuated prisoners were sent to concentration camps further west Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II (Birkenau) Reconnaissance photograph of the Auschwitz concentration camp taken on June 25, 1944. Most of her family died in the camp. It was later used as a model for an expanded and centralized concentration camp system managed by the SS. The Germans deported Jews from all Feb 12, 2021 · Majdanek and Auschwitz. The first concentration camps in Germany were established soon after Hitler's appointment as chancellor in January 1933. The Storm Troopers (SA) and the police established concentration camps to handle the masses of people arrested as alleged political opponents of the regime. Auschwitz killing centers crematoria. Camp Administrative Office. 203351 E. 1. Auschwitz grew into “Konzentrationslager Auschwitz” (KL Auschwitz, German for "Auschwitz Concentration Camp") was the name of a state run German concentration camp established by the German Nazis in 1940 during the Second World War on the outskirts of the town of Oświęcim. By February, the number of prisoners in Buchenwald Aug 10, 2021 · Along with elderly people, children had the lowest rate of survival in concentration camps and killing centers. Learn More: Germany between the wars. Between July 1937 and April 1945, the SS imprisoned some 250,000 persons from all countries in Europe there. Between 1. Preparing for a visit to the Memorial Site. Auschwitz se encontraba en la Polonia ocupada por Alemania y constaba de tres campos, incluido un centro de exterminio. 4. Elie Wiesel was a prisoner at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Monowitz-Buna, Gleiwitz, and Buchenwald from May 1944 to April 1945. The Germans deported Jews from all Find articles, photos, maps, films, and more listed alphabetically Map Auschwitz II (Birkenau) camp, summer 1944. May 7, 2024 · A rail junction and industrial centre, the town became associated with the nearby sites of a Nazi concentration and extermination camp complex known as Auschwitz, the first part of which was established in 1940. Chelmno and Auschwitz were established Aug 22, 2023 · Key Facts. The cessation of mass extermination. Click on the name of the sub-camp to see more. What distinguishes a concentration camp from a prison (in the modern sense) is that it functions outside of a judicial system. Nov 24, 2020 · History of Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp. All of the main camps except Arbeitsdorf, Herzogenbusch, Niederhagen, Kauen, Kaiserwald, and Vaivara (1937 borders). The first gassings of Soviet and Polish prisoners took place in 1941. It was one of the first and the largest of the concentration camps within Germany's 1937 borders. In the wake of Death March. An estimated 3. The duration of a visit is determined solely by the individual interests and needs of the visitors. 3 million people were sent to the camp, according to Sub-Camps of Auschwitz Concentration Camp More than 40 Auschwitz sub-camps, exploiting the prisoners as slave laborers, were founded, mainly at various sorts of German industrial plants and farms, between 1942 and 1944. Auschwitz. A second story See full list on britannica. 0 - an online educational tool for international youth groups. 7 million Jews were killed in these five killing centers as part of the Final Solution. S. From here, the camp administration directed the further expansion of the camp complex. AUSCHWITZ AS A CONCENTRATION CAMP Jews – from 1942 they were the most numerous group of prisoners in the camp. Auschwitz Birkenau Camp allemand nazi de concentration et d'extermination (1940-1945) Les enceintes, les barbelés, les miradors, les baraquements, les potences, les chambres à gaz et les fours crématoires de l'ancien camp de concentration et d'extermination d'Auschwitz-Birkenau, le plus vaste du III e Reich, attestent les conditions dans lesquelles fonctionnait le génocide hitlérien. Dec 16, 2015 · The first prisoners were 945 Soviet prisoners of war and a few Polish prisoners from Auschwitz I. G. Link Copied! The names of some Nazi concentration camps live in infamy: Bergen-Belsen, where Anne Frank died. Departures from the former Auschwitz I concentration camp: between April - October every 10 minutes, between November - March every 20 minutes. 50. 2, 1999, pp. Auschwitz - Holocaust, Liberation, Survivors: Throughout the camp’s history, there were numerous escape attempts, and on April 10, 1944, two Slovak Jews—Rudolph Vrba and Alfred Wetzler—successfully broke out of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The final evacuation and liquidation of the camp. The preliminary evacuation of the camp. Aerial photographs of Auschwitz taken by the Allied Air Forces during World War II were first exposed in 1978 by Dino Brugioni and Robert Poirer, two aerial photo-analysts who worked for the Auschwitz et Majdanek fonctionnaient aussi comme camps de concentration et de travaux forcés. Archival Map. About 200,000 were registered. com/ns. Stutthof was a Nazi concentration camp established by Nazi Germany in a secluded, marshy, and wooded area near the village of Stutthof (now Sztutowo) 34 km (21 mi) east of the city of Danzig ( Gdańsk) in the territory of the German-annexed Free City of Danzig. The town was incorporated into the Third Reich along with this part of the German Jul 12, 2021 · As Soviet forces entered German-occupied Poland, the Germans evacuated thousands of prisoners from Nazi German concentration camps. Although it continued to serve as a concentration camp, it also functioned as a killing center from March 1942 until November 1944. Auschwitz II, or Birkenau, was a concentration and extermination camp, and became the most Interactive Map: Auschwitz. Altdorf in Stara Wieś near Pszczyna (1942 – 1943). Israel marks Holocaust Remembrance Day today, to remember the death of six million Jews. Auschwitz: Drone footage from Nazi concentration camp. This map and graph are taken from U. The museum bus shuttles from one part of the Memorial to another. See the gas chambers, crematorium and death cells. Los campos se abrieron en el transcurso de casi dos años, entre 1940 y 1942. Supplies of food and medicine were rarely sufficient for survival over long periods of time Feb 17, 2023 · Established in March 1933, Dachau was the first regular concentration camp established by the Nazi government. The visit starts at the former Auschwitz I site. Despite this An exploration of the evolution of Auschwitz and its three camps. 205-229. The prisoners were quartered on the second story of a building previously occupied by conscript laborers. Birkenau is where the Nazis erected most of the machinery of mass extermination in which they murdered approximately one million European Jews. This led to the increased use of concentration camp prisoners as forced laborers in German armaments industries. In 1944–1945, the Allied armies liberated the concentration camps. The Germans deported Jews from all Theresienstadt was a hybrid of ghetto and concentration camp, with features of both. Around 1,000 metres (3,300 ft) long and 400 metres (1,300 ft) wide, Auschwitz consisted at the time of 22 brick buildings, eight of them two-story. Gestapo. Major Nazi camps in Europe, January 1944. From spring 1942, the Nazis began the systematic mass deportations of Jews from Germany and the occupied territories to death camps. This image is one of a series of aerial photographs taken by Allied reconnaissance units under the command of the 15th US Army Air Force during missions dating between April 4, 1944, and January 14, 1945. Hechos clave. The concentration camp, one of the ten largest in Europe, was established and operated by the governing Major Nazi camps in Europe, January 1944. Apr 25, 2011 · This map, drawn from Rudolf Vrba’s own account of his escape, traces the two friends’ journey, from the woodpile just beyond the perimeter of Auschwitz, to the safety of Slovakia, where they Memory 4. Some prisoners had already become too weak to survive. Throughout German-occupied Europe, the Germans arrested those who resisted their domination and those they judged to be racially inferior or politically unacceptable. At the bottom of the page are text descriptions of what you see, with details and historical Auschwitz III-Monowitz. Auschwitz cerró en enero de 1945, al Jan 23, 2020 · Auschwitz: Drone footage from Nazi concentration camp But as the war and the Holocaust progressed, the Nazi regime greatly developed the site. The main difference between concentration camps, where prisoners of various nationalities were incarcerated, and extermination centers ( Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec, Kulmhof, Majdanek), where nearly all the victims were Jewish, was in the first place the annihilation method, while the final goal – the physical elimination of the May 5, 2016 · 02:29. A The search for this kind of meaning has, as paradoxical as it may sound, enriched our lives. In September 1939, the war provided a convenient excuse to ban releases from the camps, thus providing the SS with a readily available labor force. As of January 1, 1945, the Gross-Rosen complex held 76,728 prisoners. Buchenwald concentration camps subcamps Germany. Like other concentration camps, Auschwitz was a state institution, administered by the SS and funded by the state treasury, which earned income from labor Before the visit please read " the rules for visiting ". This tour features a visit to Auschwitz, the largest Nazi concentration camp from World War II. On the sides facing the road and the rail tracks, the sub-camp was Auschwitz I, also known as Stammlager, was one of the three major camps of the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp complex. Children born in Auschwitz. People arrested for resisting German rule were mostly sent to forced-labor or concentration camps. Richard Glücks, head of the Concentration Camps Inspectorate, sent Walter Eisfeld, former commandant of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Oranienburg, Germany, to inspect it. Chelmno and Auschwitz were established The Topography of the Camp. It combined two functions: a concentration camp and an extermination center. com <iframe src="//www. 6, no. By 1942, Auschwitz had taken on a further The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum ( Polish: Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau) [3] is a museum on the site of the Nazi German Auschwitz concentration camp in Oświęcim, Poland. Block N. Auschwitz-Birkenau was originally designated for imprisoning large numbers of Soviet prisoners of war. During World War II the main camp was Rondall Rice, “ Bombing Auschwitz: US 15th Air Force and the Military Aspects of a Possible Attack ”, in War in History, vol. 5 million Jews were killed in these six Missing my friend, Alan Jacobs. The first major Nazi camp to be liberated was Majdanek, located in Lublin, Poland. Nazi officials established the first concentration camp, Dachau, on March 22, 1933, for political prisoners. An exploration of the evolution of Auschwitz and its three camps. 5 hours. Initially this was an "exchange camp", where Jewish May 19, 2024 · Irene Weiss is a 93-year-old Holocaust survivor. Auschwitz est le complexe concentrationnaire le plus grand de son genre, et joue un rôle essentiel dans le projet nazi de « solution finale ». The site includes the main concentration camp at Auschwitz I and the remains of the concentration and extermination camp at Auschwitz II-Birkenau. The SS deported and then incarcerated there certain categories of German, Austrian, and Czech Jews, based on Liberation. Moreover, barracks located not far from the gas chambers at Birkenau housed 51,117 prisoners (31,406 of them women and children). He was tried for war crimes committed at Mühldorf, was found guilty and executed on the gallows at Landsberg Prison in 1951. Birkenau Introduction Map - The concentration and death-camp complex at Auschwitz-Birkenau was the largest killing center in the entire Nazi universe. Each stop in the Tour offers the original 360 degree videos from Alan Jacobs; below the text for each video is the An exploration of the evolution of Auschwitz and its three camps. Museum Bus. Political prisoners – totalled around 160,000. This drone flight over Auschwitz-Birkenau was Oct 14, 2009 · Civilians and soldiers recover corpses from the common graves of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in this February 1945 photo. Tragically, deaths in the camps continued for several weeks after liberation. In the concentration camp system, it was second in size only to the women's camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau (which was in German-annexed Poland). Each one of the red rectangles is a hot spot – clicking on it will take you to a Birkenau concentration camp photos of that location and a brief description of the site. • The grounds and buildings of the Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau camps are open to visitors. Selected Features. Auschwitz was the largest camp established by the Germans. It includes a historical introduction, excerpts of accounts by former prisoners, photographs and archival documents, maps, examples of camp art, as well as teaching exercises. Forestry work, employer The Nazi German concentration camp and center for the extermination of Jews created during World War II on the outskirts of Oświęcim. Auschwitz I was the main camp and the first camp As the Soviet Red Army approached Auschwitz in January 1945, toward the end of the war, the SS sent most of the camp's population west on a death march to camps inside Germany and Austria. Auschwitz I was the main camp and the first camp Bergen-Belsen ( pronounced [ˈbɛʁɡn̩ˌbɛlsn̩] ), or Belsen, was a Nazi concentration camp in what is today Lower Saxony in northern Germany, southwest of the town of Bergen near Celle. Les autres victimes incluaient des Tsiganes et des prisonniers de Jan 26, 2015 · Interactive map: Nazi death camps. Sentry, road gate Amunition damp [sic] Canteen Room of the block commander with his little tower for a sentry. Il reste dans l'histoire comme le plus tristement célèbre des camps de la Shoah. Below those are the same 3 videos with captions by Alan Jacobs and art. Auschwitz I appears at bottom left, Auschwitz II (Birkenau) at top. The camp was set up around existing structures after the invasion of Poland in World A sub-camp in Prudnik near Nysa (Neustadt in German). 3. Auschwitz environs, summer 1944. Especially in 1943 and 1944, hundreds of subcamps were established in or near industrial plants. Auschwitz I was the main camp and the first camp Getting started on the Virtual Tour of Auschwitz will take you through the camp outlined on the Auschwitz I map below. A vast system of subcamps was also established in the region around Auschwitz and the prisoners were forced to work in various factories and industries. 5 million people died there; 90 percent of them were Jews. Chelmno and Auschwitz were established Below the map are links to each section of the map as well. Opened in 1940 following the Nazi annexation of Poland, Auschwitz was originally intended to be a prison for the large number of arrested Poles overwhelming existing local prisons. Anne Frank was one of the people deported to Bergen-Belsen. Many actual or suspected communists were among the first internees. Mauthausen was a Nazi concentration camp on a hill above the market town of Mauthausen (roughly 20 kilometres (12 mi) east of Linz ), Upper Austria. Poland, December 21, 1944. The Museum collections include: • about 40 m3 of shoes; • about 3,800 suitcases, 2,100 of which bear the names of their owners; • over 12 thousand kitchen utensils; • 470 prostheses and orthoses; • 397 striped camp garments; • 246 tallisim; • about 4,100 works of art (including about 2 thousand of which were made by prisoners). It was a complex of camps, including a concentration, extermination, and forced-labor camp. In 1938, SS authorities had begun to exploit the labor of concentration camp prisoners for economic profit. Situé dans la Pologne occupée, Auschwitz se divise en trois camps comprenant un centre de Nazi concentration camps, 1933–39. The first several score prisoners transferred from Auschwitz were sent to work assembling seven wooden residential barracks and a kitchen, hospital, storage area, and workshops. Location. Memory 4. Before the war, approximately 72,000 to 77,000 Jews lived in 27 communities in Greece. Liberation. She and her family were sent to Auschwitz when she was 13 years old. Nazi concentration camps. The history of the founding of the camp is connected with the initiative by the German chemical concern IG Farbenindustrie A. Several hundred Jews had been prisoners in Gross-Rosen between 1940 and 1943. Day of liberation. e. There are paid car parks available near both former concentration camps. It was liberated in the summer of 1944 as Soviet forces advanced westward. Originally established as a prisoner of war camp, [1] in 1943, parts of it became a concentration camp. Other victims murdered in the killing centers included Roma (Gypsies) and Soviet prisoners of war. Aerial photograph of Auschwitz II (Birkenau). It was the main camp of a group with nearly 100 further subcamps located throughout Austria and southern Germany. Soviet troops entered the camp on 27 January 1945, a day commemorated since 2005 as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Initially it consisted only of Auschwitz I, created in the spring of 1940, later also of the considerably larger Birkenau camp, and later still of Monowitz and almost 50 sub-camps of various sizes. Mühldorf concentration camp complex. Both Auschwitz and Majdanek functioned as concentration and forced-labor camps as well as killing centers. Points de repère. Between 1941 and 1945, the Nazis established five killing centers in German-occupied Poland — Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz-Birkenau (part of the Auschwitz camp complex). Map: Rudolf Höss admits that Auschwitz was a concentration camp where cruel and brutal treatment was routine. A guide to Nazi concentration camps and ghettos. 1 and 1. The German authorities founded Auschwitz Concentration Camp (Konzentrationslager Auschwitz) in 1940 on occupied Polish land that had been annexed to Germany. Labor shortages in the German war economy became critical after German defeat in the battle of Stalingrad in 1942-1943. The first people to be gassed were a group of Polish An estimated 2. Color-coded by date of establishment as a main camp: blue for 1933–1937, gray for 1938–1939, red for 1940–1941, green for 1942, yellow for 1943–1944. The Auschwitz complex consisted of three main camps: the Auschwitz I concentration camp, the Auschwitz II (Birkenau) killing center, and the Auschwitz III (Monowitz) forced-labor camp. The new camp was to be located in Silesia, beyond the range of Allied bombers at the time. Archival maps, plans and photographs of Auschwitz have allowed researchers to make valuable insights into the history of the Aerial photograph of Auschwitz-Birkenau. At the same time, Birkenau was the largest concentration camp (with nearly 300 primitive barracks, most of them Killing centers (also referred to as "extermination camps" or "death camps") were designed to carry out genocide. Of the many sub-camps affiliated with Auschwitz, Birkenau, or Auschwitz II, was by far the largest. 3 million people were sent to the camp, according to The Holocaust in Greece was the mass murder of Greek Jews, mostly as a result of their deportation to Auschwitz concentration camp, during World War II. Jasenovac ( pronounced [jasěnoʋat͡s]) [6] was a concentration and extermination camp established in the village of the same name by the authorities of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) in occupied Yugoslavia during World War II. Archival maps, plans and pictures. to build its third large plant for synthetic rubber and liquid fuels. Nazi Germany persecuted various groups of people there, and the camp complex continually expanded and transformed itself. This is a compendium of knowledge about the history of the Nazi German concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz. As the map demonstrates, the Auschwitz complex served as a concentration camp and an industrial centre for the exploitation of brutal slave labour - but it was the perpetration of genocide that A map of Nazi concentration camps and a graph listing numbers of those who perished. Go by train to Krakow Main Railway Station, a journey of approximately 2. In the early period of the existence of the women’s camp, children born there were put to death, regardless of their ethnicity, without being entered in the camp records. After the closure of the Lichtenburg camp in 1939, Ravensbrück was also the only main May 1, 2016 · Allied bombardment of Auschwitz-Birkenau in mid-July 1944 would not have saved the approximately 310,000 Hungarian Jews whom the Germans had killed upon arrival at the killing center between May 15 and July 11, 1944. 1. After a harrowing two-week Children born in Auschwitz. aq uv tm si qo qb oe ed vv di