Dusk hag dnd 5e

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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Claws (hag form only). The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. ”. (These are common stat points for a Warlock at my tables). Your aura becomes faintly visible to the naked eye. With the recent release of Wild Beyond Witchlight, I decided I wanted to play as a witch/hag in a romp around the Feywild. Illusory Appearance: The hag covers Sep 2, 2021 · Top 10 Feywild Creatures in D&D 5e. edited Dec 18, 2018 at 15:23. This wiki hosts DND 5e content that is setting-specific, play-test content, or unofficial 'homebrew' content. "A red hat approaches with ill intent. Feb 15, 2024 · The first hag to appear is the Night Hag, from the 1977 Monster Manual. On a failure, the creature takes psychic damage as the hag eats its dreams, and the hag regains an equal amount of health. They often form alliances with other evil creatures, such as demons and devils, to further their twisted goals. The serpentine hannya hags are physically similar to the yuan-ti and possess telepathic powers. Check with your DM to see if what you find here is a good fit for your table. Sorcerers carry a magical birthright conferred upon them by an exotic bloodline, some otherworldly influence, or exposure to unknown cosmic forces. Mar 4, 2022 · Dusk hags in a coven lean on their coven spells (see “Hag Tactics” and “Hags Revisted, Part 2”) rather than on sleep and Nightmare Touch, and their strong preference overall is to keep enemies at bay with ranged spells such as eyebite, polymorph, lightning bolt, locate object and ray of sickness. [7] [12] Equal parts hideous and heinous, hags embodied what it meant to be ugly inside and out, taking on the forms of unsightly old women. This lustrous black gem allows a night hag to become ethereal while it is in her possession. In many cases, by the time players realize that one or more hags are what A hag, or "the Old Hag" According to folklore, the Old Hag sat on a sleeper's chest and sent nightmares to him or her. Any humanoid that starts its turn within 30 feet of the hag and can see the hag's true form must make a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw. All of these cast spells, but some of them are more spellcasting-focused than others. Green Hag. The hag eye is usually entrusted to a minion for safekeeping and transport. ArnaktFen. Shrieking hags roam the wastelands and burst into maddening wails when challenged. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 15). Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage. The first hags, night hags, were the children of Khyber, and have served as ambassadors between dragons and rakshasa. So, I read part 1 and 2 of Hags Revisted, as well as the original “Hag Tactics” post from 2016. DnD 5e Monsters › Annis Hag. The hag can mimic animal sounds and humanoid voices. Their eyes can be green, blue, hazel, or purple, and their hair can be white, black, green, or amber, and they typically have long hair. Redcaps typically wear heavy iron boots and wield an oversized sickle or scythe. 30: Pinewood Truffle. In DnD 5e, Redcaps are fey creatures who live off the pain of others and only exist to cause murder and mayhem. 2/day each: plane shift (self only), ray of enfeeblement, sleep. You can spend a charge to cast the Bestow Curse spell without expending a spell slot. " 2. Monsters of the Multiverse. They see visions of the future in their dreams, and their dark magic. Death Glare: The hag targets one frightened creature she can see within 30 feet of her. Nov 25, 2020 · Chupacabra (Spanish origin) meaning “sucker of life”. Her mouth hangs open, revealing thin pointed teeth with small arcs of electricity jumping across them. Black talons sprout from her fingertips, likewise crackling with electricity. These hunch-backed and hump-shouldered hags are the largest and most physically imposing of their kind, standing eight feet tall. php?title=5e:Dusk_Hag&oldid=12495" At will: detect magic, magic missile. Homebrewing a Dust Hag might step on the toes of other hag types (namely the dusk hag) Mar 15, 2017 · I recently discovered your site, and because I am soon going to be running a hag encounter for a group of level 10 adventurers. ago. Dybbuk (Hebrew origin) meaning “the act of sticking”. Consumes material from the ground and breaks it apart within the cap of the mushroom. Spellcasting. hag eye at a time, and creating a new one requires all three members of the coven to perform a ritual. Jun 5, 2021 · Dusk hags fit the environment but are not knowledge-based than night hags. The hags themselves are a coven of dusk hags that have been kidnapping people to feast on their dreams and the party have just interacted with a dragon who is slowly turning into a frog due to their magic, a little weird but I thought it would be funny at the time. 5. In 987 YK, three hags, the Daughters of Sora Hag Lair Actions If a hag is a grandmother, she gains a set of lair actions appropriate to her nature, knowledge, and history. Dusk Hag Dusk hags resemble gnarled crones with shriveled orange skin, tangled gray hair, and eyes that burn like hot coals. Currently in 5e we have Green, Sea, Night, Annis, and Bheur hags, as well as Dusk hags specifically for the Eberron setting. 9. So Night Hags are Fiends. The Dusk Hag can give you access to Dream, Legend Lore, and Scrying, which are normally rather situational spells, but can be very useful in the right campaign. A bheur hag carries a. This token will often take the form of a coin, piece of jewelry, or tiny mirror. You began life as a fey creature, but an accident changed you and forced you from your home. gg/dndnext Lemmy: https://ttrpg. You were created to replace the lost hag. Nov 29, 2021 · Bheur hags favour cold, snowy climates, often living on snowy peaks. network/. Evil fey creatures, hags rely on magic and deceit to befoul everything and destroy everyone around them. Mandibles. A hag coven can craft a magic item called a hag eye, which is made from a real eye coated in varnish and often fitted to a pendant or other wearable item. The hag’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). As a hexling with the ancestry of a green hag, you are naturally cunning and a born trickster. Now they have built their own civilization in the depths of the Underdark, patterned after the Way of Lolth. Also called dark elves. She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: detect magic , magic missile. The NH description doesn't state that the night hag must be within a specific distance of the humanoid she's targeting. Hags! Rule of 3, baby. Using an Iron Token, a Hag, and a Token’s holder can have a whispered conversation. When the subject awoke, he or she would be unable to breathe or even move for a short period of time the subject had been "hagridden". Hag (English) Hags were horrible witches of wicked intent and ancient origin, [5] [7] dark fey tied to primal forces [10] [11] whose foul magic and mysterious malevolence haunted fairy tales and nightmares. The Old Hag lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. A hag eye has AC 10, 1 hit point, and darkvision with a radius of 60 feet. Hags are ancient creatures that have existed since the Age of Demons. The Sorcerer. lost hag. She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: dancing lights, minor illusion, vicious mockery. Hag, Night. Perk: Presence of the Dusk Hag. She can innately cast the following spells: 3/day each: disguise self (including the form of a Medium humanoid), fog cloud IRON TOKEN An annis hag can pull out one of her iron teeth or nails and spend 1 minute shaping and polishing it into the form of a coin, a ring, or a May 16, 2022 · So I'm at a huge predicament, currently I'm prepping a game that has been building up to a hag coven over the previous sessions. Dust Hulk. So A hag, is what DnD calls a witch. These squat, green-skinned swamp witches lure victims into their muddy cottages and thorps through deception and disguise. They love causing mortals to freeze in their cold climates, leading them to their deaths in the isolated mountains they call home. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if the hag Mar 26, 2021 · Hags in D&D are known for many things. Flaw: You become hideous. Annis hags love tormenting the weak and fearful, and seeing others feel fear. Horned Humanoid: 5th Edition dusk hags have curling horns like those of a night hag. Multiattack. The Monster Manual, with extra hags and hag lore presented in Volo's Guide to Monsters. Shared hallucinations. In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, hags are female, witchlike creatures known for their cruelty and repulsiveness. Bog hags are body-snatching skinwalkers that dwell in the swamps. No one chooses sorcery; the power chooses the sorcerer. Green hags adore witnessing the despair of hope fading in their victim's eyes. Illuminates the dark when under 100 ft. You were cursed as a child. A hag coven can have only one hag eye at a time, and creating Dec 1, 2020 · We’ve got some elementally-themed hags to preview today from The Elements & Beyond, to go with the Sea Hag, Green Hag, and Night Hag from the Monster Manual, as well as the Annis Hag and the Bheur Hag from Volo’s Guide to Monsters. Grendel (Anglo-Saxon origin) meaning “creature of darkness” or “destroyer of humans”. This wand has two charges and regains all expended charges at dusk. Hags. She can ride the staff as if it were a broom of flying. PokeRang. They are gaunt, have blue-white skin, white hair, and are known for their gray. 4. 32: Southern Spotted Toadstool. The token will only send the Hag’s voice and vice versa. The members of a hag coven typically consist of three hags. Green Hag (Coven Variant) May 12, 2022 · The Filth Hag at least has a son, known as a Filth Hag Son, which is an amalgamation of garbage, mud, and detritus shaped into a roughly humanoid creature that the Filth Hag uses as a big mud shield to stop adventurers from hitting her with their pointy weapons. As an action, you can cause each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. While using this wand as an arcane focus, you gain a bonus +1 to spell attack rolls. Annis Hag: Halfing, Dwarf or Gnome or some race with steotypical community spirit, the conversion into an annis hag then enlarges them and makes them crave the community they can no longer be part of hence the luring children Immunity to Charm, Sleep and Fear effects You gain the Dusk Hag’s innate immunity to the Charm, Sleep and Fear conditions. On a failed save, the creature is frightened for 1 minute. They are: Crimson Hag. Monster manual has statblocks for hags. The mirror hag curses one creature she can see within 60 feet of her, corrupting its form. Claw. The Dryad can speak to plants (situational, but useful), has Goodberry and Pass Without Trace, which conveniently ALSO lasts an hour, perfect for a heist. Oct 8, 2021 · They are basically the tarot-reading-psychic version of a Hag. While all three members of a hag coven are within 30 feet of one another, they can each cast. Air Form. But dedicated NPCs (or PCs with the create undead spell and a very lenient DM) can work the proper rituals to raise any dead hag, from a death hag to a sea hag, as a withering hag. With their detect thoughts and levitate abilitys they should be able to surprise the hags. She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: Mimicry. [2] Many hag variations have appeared in the numerous editions of Dungeons & Dragons since their first appearance in a 1975 rules supplement. The touch of a heartstone also cures any disease. Whether a bargain with a Hag is entered into out of greed, necessity, or a sense Retrieved from "https://wiki. Dry Drowning. The forest hag can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components. The dust hulk can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. Not to me mention if they're in the elder brain radius. They are between 4-5 and a half feet tall, and their skin color depends on what kind of hag they are. Each creature within 5 feet of it must then succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. The hag's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). Hags are gnarled humanoids, who resemble witches from legends. Hags are some of the most iconic and fun-to-run D&D creatures – and I can see no better setting to fit these old witches into than the Feywild! While hags come in many different variants, my personal favorite is the night hag. Medium fey, neutral evil. If the target can see the hag, it must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or drop to 0 hit points. The spell save DC is 15, and the spell attack bonus is +7; {"diceNotation":"1d20+7. Bheur Hag. Once inside, the green hag ensnares victims with sleep-inducing poisons, paralysis spells, and illusory traps. Are there any other hag types that have existed in previous editions which haven't been brought over? Nov 25, 2022 · Bheur Hag VGtM: Fey Hag, Bheur Hag Medium 91 7 (2,900) Chaotic Evil Volo's Guide to Monsters Dusk Hag: Fey Hag Medium 82 6 (2,300) Neutral Evil Eberron Rising from the Last War Green Hag: Fey Hag Medium 82 3 (700) Neutral Evil SRD5 Night Hag: Fiend Hag Medium 112 5, 7 (1,800, 2,900) Neutral Evil SRD5 Sea Hag: Fey Hag Medium 52 2, 4 (450, 1,100) The forest hag’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. [3] The hag made its first appearance with a one line Lunar, Murine, and Briar Hags - Lunar Hags dance rabid and raving under the light of the moon; Murine Hags love all thing verminous; and Briar Hags have something of a green thumb Marrow, Byenic, and Red Hags - Marrow Hags love bones, oh how they do love bones. The ability allows the Hag to can touch someone in the material plane and give them nightmares. Magic Resistance: The hag has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. 10. The hag’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). Best be a raven. Death Burst. Nov 17, 2022 · We discuss the Hag Patron Warlock Subclass from MCDM! This subclass gets some interesting abilities find out what we think of this subclass! We are going Dusk hags are a type of hag with power over the dreams of others and to receive prophetic visions in their own dreams. Your witches mark is of greenish brown color and shaped like a ring. 5 damage. 33: Flightless Dragon Bane. If it was decided by the elder brain hags would need removed, I'd send 3 mind flayers one for each hag. . Share. When the dust hulk dies, it explodes in a burst of dust that fills a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on itself. The hag can breathe air and water. I mean the old medieval english term witch, not harry potter. What are your favorite hag deals? So I’m starting a new campaign for my friends and I’m wanting to use a hag as a reoccurring villain, with the BBEG possibly being a super strong Coven. rlyehable. An abominable horror from deep beneath the earth The spell states: "One creature of your choice within 60 feet of you that you can see must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be affected by one of the following effects of your choice for the duration . The umber hulk makes three attacks: two with its claws and one with its mandibles. d10. A coven that includes a grandmother can use her lair actions as well , but the grandmother’s will prevails — if one of the coven attempts this sort of action and the grandmother disapproves, nothing happens. These Apr 27, 2021 · A plain reading of the night hag's Nightmare Haunting (NH) action suggests that any night hag can use her Etherealness action to enter the Ethereal Plane and inflict NH on any sleeping humanoid on the Material Plane. Amphibious. The hag has two claws, each of which can grapple only one target. May 25, 2021 · One excellent example of a feral hag is the witch from Brave. 11. , one target. Compendium - Sources->Monster Manual. They don’t look much like hags as we currently know them, though. If it is destroyed, each coven member takes 3d10 psychic damage and is blinded for 24 hours. Welcome to this Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition wiki. Medusa (Greek origin) meaning “the cunning one”. Multiattack (hag form only). For more D&D discussion: Discord: https://discord. The problem is, I'm having…. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution Jun 15, 2020 · Bheur Hag: Goliath "resistance" to cold tempreatures becomign immunity to cold if they get corrupted into a bheur hag. Mimicry. Spreading misery, diabolical schemes, and a love of all things foul are very much these creatures’ stock-in-trade. Melee Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. Crushing Hug. If the target is unconscious, it takes an extra 10 (3d6) psychic damage and is cursed until the hag dies or the curse is removed. She can use her Life Drain in place of one Claw attack. 5 You began life as a fey creature, but an accident. Annis hags are too much of maternal brutes for my liking but somewhat fit the environment. It’s a party of 4; Moon druid, Fiend Warlock, Divine Sorcerer Aug 19, 2020 · Dusk Cap. You must have a Charisma score of 13 or higher in order to multiclass in or out of this class. The ritual takes 1 hour, and the hags can’t perform it while blinded. Bheur hags live in wintry lands, favoring snow-covered mountain peaks. The annis hag makes two Claw attacks. ” 3 “Three days, three deaths, three eyes, three breaths. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft. If either object is lost, the night hag will go to great lengths to retrieve it, as creating a new tool takes time and effort. "A ship comes on a sea of bones, but treasure waits behind a silver skull. For casting these spells, each hag is a 12th-level spellcaster that uses Intelligence as her spellcasting ability. Bheur Hag VGtM: Fey Hag, Bheur Hag Medium 91 7 (2,900) Chaotic Evil Volo's Guide to Monsters Dusk Hag: Fey Hag Medium 82 6 (2,300) Neutral Evil Eberron Rising from the Last War Green Hag: Fey Hag Medium 82 3 (700) Neutral Evil SRD5 Night Hag: Fiend Hag Medium 112 5, 7 (1,800, 2,900) Neutral Evil SRD5 Sea Hag: Fey Hag Medium 52 2, 4 (450, 1,100) Nightmare Touch. Expanded Spell List. ” 2 “A ship comes on a sea of bones, but treasure waits behind a silver skull Dusk Hag Dusk hags resemble gnarled crones with shriveled orange skin, tangled gray hair, and eyes that burn like hot coals. Statistics for. Hags, as monsters, never interested me much, but fifth-edition Dungeons and Dragons has made it possible to build some very cool encounters around them. Then shapes and polish them for 1 minute. , one creature. The cursed creature's hit point maximum decreases by 5 (1d10) whenever it finishes a long rest. Thanks to the amphibious nature of your hag ancestor, you can breathe under water as well as upon land. Hag. They tend to have gaunt features, blueish skin and white hair. I got the overall impression from my reading that you find Hags in 5e to be disappointing in terms of their combat tools. Crafting a heartstone takes 30 days. It is still frequently discussed as if it were a paranormal state. Like other kinds of hags it can change its appearance to look like a A petrified finger of a Hag, perhaps given as a gift, or perhaps given as a hex. bluish hue of a person who has frozen to death. Ability Score Increase. By forging a pact with a hag, you are forever marking yourself as an enemy of the commonfolk, who will hunt you down and burn you at the stake for your dark deed. A storm hag weighs 70 pounds and stands around 4 feet tall Hex blood from van richten’s and then go warlock or sorcerer if you go warlock go archfey if sorcerer go wild magic. The Dusk Hag Prophecies table provides examples of the sort of dreams dusk hags might share with unsuspecting sleepers. It can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing. com/index. Cruel Magicks. Byenic Hags are the carrion-crows of Hag-Kind, and can set rots in your flesh A coven of hags lost one of its members. If you choose a Dagger and have about 16 Dex, your average damage-on-hit will be about 5. They fight them one at a time as they work through a nasty half subtaranean base full of grotesque monster slaves. Prophecy. Life Drain : In 5th Edition, a dusk hag can force a creature which has just woken up to make a saving throw. Jan 4, 2022 · Random Hag Generator Other Generators Tavern Generator By DndspeakJanuary 4, 2022 Carousing Generator By DndspeakJuly 28, 2022 Hag Generator By DndspeakJanuary 4, 2022 Book Generator By DndspeakJanuary 3, 2022 Potion Generator By DndspeakJanuary 7, 2022 Physical Description. 5 damage, but you'll hit more often. Descended from an earlier subrace of dark-skinned elves, the drow were banished from the surface world for following the goddess Lolth down the path to evil and corruption. " In other words: As soon as the the duration of the spell ends (1 minute or until loss of Concentration), any effect of the spell ceases. Some content found on this page may not be suitable for play at your table. [3] After the fiends' defeat at the hands of the dragons during the Age of Demons, the hags have been scattered across the planes, Khyber, and the Demon Wastes. The hag carries a graystaff, a length of gray wood that is a focus for her inner power. This cannot be hidden with a disguise self spell. 31: Meadboon Fungus. The hag's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). They see visions of the future in their dreams, and their dark magic bargains with a dusk hag in exchange for its prophecies and visions of the future. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage. Until the grapple ends, the target takes 36 (9d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage at the start of each of the hag's turns. Be wary. Dark Elf. 1. A hag in the coven can take an action to see what the hag eye sees if the hag eye is on the same plane of existence. " 3. They see visions of the future in their dreams, and can influence the dreams of others, sending messages or giving them nightmares. Your Wisdom score increases by 1. Annis hags lair in mountains or hills. [1] They use their magic to sow discord and to spread corruption. Dusk Hag Compendium - Sources->Eberron: Rising from the Last War . Innate Spellcasting (1/Day). • 3 yr. 8. Your hair has now lost all colour, and twists and weaves into a knotted mess. A dusk hag's prophecy[2] They resemble gnarled human crones[1][3][2] of approximately similar size and Dec 29, 2016 · From page 178 of the MM: “Night Hags were once creatures of the Feywild, but their foulness saw them exiled to Hades long ago, where they degenerated into fiends. It’s nice that mother and son can work so closely together. underground. If a creature is unaware of the nature of the warlock, they roll with disadvantage. 2/day each: plane shift (self only), ray of enfeeblement , sleep. When the mephit dies, it explodes in a burst of dust. Withering Hags are difficult to create, since regular necromancy only works on humanoid corpses. Medium fiend, neutral evil. Bite. Horrific Appearance. Heartstone. Hodag (American origin) meaning “a spiny and fearsome critter”. Nov 27, 2019 · Dusk Hag + Experience Points: 2,300 + Features: Innate Spellcasting +, Magic Resistance +, Multiattack +, Claws +, Nightmare Touch + and Dream Eater + Hit Points: 82 + Name: Dusk Hag + Publication: Eberron Rising from the Last War + Setting: Eberron + Size: Medium + SortText: Hag Dusk + Subtype: Hag + Type: Fey + Jul 23, 2022 · First, the Hag yanks them out of herself. The mephit can innately cast sleep A hag coven can craft a magic item called a hag eye, which is made from a real eye coated in varnish and often fitted to a pendant or other wearable item. The hag can't make attacks while grappling a creature in this way. They often carry powerful staffs of ice magic. While holding the staff, she can cast additional spells with her Innate Spellcasting trait (these spells are marked with an asterisk). Dusk Hag Prophecies d10 Prophecy 1 “A red hat approaches with ill intent. But there is one tool in the Hag’s arsenal that gets used to disastrous effect: the infamous Hag Bargain. At will: dancing lights, druidcraft, thorn whip; 1/day: confusion, grasping vine, gust of wind, sleep, spike growth, water breathing; Magic Resistance. A blinded creature can repeat the saving throw on each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. May 10, 2023 · In the game of Dungeons & Dragons, hag covens are notorious for their malevolent influence, manipulating events and causing chaos from the shadows. On a success, the target is immune to the hag’s Reconfiguring Curse for the next 24 hours. [1][3][2] Doom falls on the peacock and the sparrow alike. Tastes like meat: age of mushroom depends on taste of meat. Award. Many a desperate person has sought out the services of a Dusk Hag, only to be left with a glass half empty sort of prophecy; and these prophecies don Stage 1: Invisible changes. During the ritual, if the hags take any action other than performing the ritual, they must start over. The hag chooses a creature they can see within 120 feet of them, making the target feel as though their lungs are filling with water. Jun 28, 2020 · If you choose a Quarterstaff (two-handed) and have 10 STR, your average damage-on-hit will be about 4. the annis hag appear in chapter 3 of this book. enter into bargains with hags gain their deepest wishes but eventually find themselves transformed. So, in medieval times men "with magic" were not called wizards, but sorcerers. 4 You were cursed as a child. For one, they hunt souls rather than flesh and favors, and are heavily associated with Hades and the Lower Planes, rather than the Feywild. They are around 4 feet tall with elderly features, weathered skin, hunched backs, and razor-sharp teeth. Innate spellcasting. -more general adventure hooks: hags often operate in covens of 3+, which sometimes contain Multiattack. 5e - Sea Hag Graystaff Magic. If the creature has Magic Circle or Protection from Good/Evil cast on them, the contact is prevented. The hag’s hair is white, and the hag is emaciated, with pale eyes surrounded by bruise-colored flesh. The Hag can only attempt this action once every 24 hours. Additional Hag Types? 5th Edition. Night Hag Items: A night hag carries two very rare magic items that she must craft for herself If either object is lost, the night hag will go Nov 3, 2016 · Hag Tactics. There is some weak lore about WHY hags are females, but honestly no one cares about the book of names, yugoloths or ghenna. ” 4 “Doom falls on the peacock and the sparrow alike. A deal with the spirits of the forest transformed you into a hexblood, now free of the curse. Repeat the check (or just select a party member at random) and suddenly the blighted clearing is back and the hag is offering the player a bowl of rotting human flesh as roaches scurry up and down her arms, but then everything flashes back to normal. Stage 5 Mind flayers and hag covens may come to blowes over harvesting rights of a settlement. Monsters. The target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. Innate Spellcasting. This was played on in Witcher 3 but it is a common theme in fey stories to have three of them, be they good or bad, and usually they are themed on the Fates/Furies or they do something in a twisted way. A storm hag’s hair is wild and unruly with static electricity popping and crackling throughout the mass. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage. Kobold fight club gives book and page references to monsters, and it has a great search feature. On a failure, the target is cursed, suffering one of the following effects of the hag’s choice: Bheur hags are cold-hearted, blue-skinned masters of wintery witchcraft. Hit: 18 (4d6 + 4) psychic damage. If the contact lasts for more than one hour, the creature loses the effect of a long rest. rt ys hm ek ut oy uc im hh za